Final Call for “Classic Gardens and Country Estates of England”

Good Morning, All!  It is frigid here in Nashville again and my mind is on beautiful spring flowers and warm summer temperatures as we take the polar plunge once again.  I’m not sure how the garden is going to fare. I have some plants that are looking pretty poorly after reaching 0 degrees here a couple of weeks ago and now we’re down in the single digits again. A lot of the broadleaf evergreens (including all of my beautiful hellebores) are looking pretty freeze dried.  Epimediums are all frozen to the ground. Several broadleaf evergreen shrubs like aucuba and Florida anisebush are looking pretty rough.  We’ll see what happens come spring…
In the meantime, I’m looking toward summer and the fabulous trip we have planned to England to raise funds for Volunteer Gardener, the TV show I co-host on Nashville Public Television. Unfortunately, while we have had a LOT of positive response, that response has not turned into actual commitment and we are still short of where we need to be to make the trip a success with only a week to go before the February 1 deadline for reservations. I wanted to reach out to my blog followers one more time with the link to the itinerary and my contact information, should anyone have any questions. I hope that some of you might consider joining us and if the trip doesn’t fit into your own plans this year, I would encourage you to share with friends, family, clients, garden club friends or whoever else you can think of.
This is a really wonderful trip and we hope that we’ll have some more interest in this next week before the deadline. You can download the itinerary at my website, here: or email me at  I hope you’ll join us and help support Volunteer Gardener!
The garden at Chatsworth is just one of many fabulous estates we’ll see on this one-in-a-lifetime trip!  Hope you’ll join us, and in the meantime, stay warm!

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