
Can you believe it’s already August??? I keep promising to post more regularly and little things like packing hundreds of boxes and taking four truckloads of stuff (one entire truckload of nothing but plants!) to a new house keep getting in the way! The good news: It’s FINALLY done! Done!

Well, almost done. I still have to set up my design studio and office, but other than that, it’s done. Thanks to some really fantastic friends, I got moved this past weekend, the furniture is in place, the art is hung, the closet is organized and the plants have made the 50 mile trek from the old house to the new. Now if it would just rain and cool off enough to actually get a shovel in the ground and be comfortable doing it. Well, one CAN wish!

Thanks so much for sticking with me and continuing to come back and read the blog. As the new garden starts to develop, I’ll be posting pictures and stories as often as possible so that you can see the progress. I’ll try to get some “before” pictures up in the very near future so everyone can see what I’m starting with. There are already some very good bones, as the lady who lived in the house before me was quite a good gardener and had created some beds and done quite a bit of planting. So I’ll be building on what she had already accomplished and we’ll see where it takes us! Stay tuned!

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