Just a quick note to everyone about a couple of new features on the blog! You can now subscribe to the blog via email! I know there have been some folks who have been unable to subscribe through the other methods, so I’m trying something new that is offered through “FeedBurner”. I’d love it if a few of you would sign up and then let me know for sure that things are working properly. You should receive an email notification anytime I publish something new and you don’t have to have a “Homepage” or be associated with a major group such as Yahoo!, Google, etc. At least that’s the way it’s supposed to work! If it doesn’t, please let me know.

You can also become a “Garden Notes Follower”, which allows you to publish your profile and links to your own blog, as well and helps us to create a big, online gardening community. I’ve already signed up as a “Follower” on several fantastic gardening blogs. I’ll post those in my profile under “Blogs I’m Watching”.

The other improvement is that you can now search the blog posts by topic. If you’ll just keep scrolling down the page you’ll see the topics listed on the righthand side. That way, if you want to see what I’ve written about a specific subject, it’s only a click away. Stay tuned! Lots more to come!