Pot Bound in Garden Design Magazine

Just a brief note to let everyone know about an article that has just been published in the March 2009 issue of Garden Design magazine. This is a project that features ornamental grasses being used in containers that I worked on last summer with my friend Jenny Andrews, who is the features editor at the magazine. We spent several loooonng, hot days in August working to get it all just right and I’m very proud of the way it turned out. It should be hitting newsstands and mailboxes this week. You can also see a few additional photos online at www.gardendesign.com/grasses My only complaint is that in the online version you can’t click on the photos and see larger images. I hope they’ll fix that. Just FYI, the online photos, for the most part, are different than the ones in the magazine, so be sure to look at both!

More strange weather here! 74 degrees yesterday with tornadoes in one county and it’s going to be 19 tonight! Sort of wishing I’d left those leaves in place for one more week, but what’s a gardener to do?!? Spring will get here… Spring will get here… Spring will get here…

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