Lenten Roses
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Lenten Roses

I have posted several times in the past about the “roses” of winter–Lenten rose, Christmas rose and their kin–none of which are roses at all, or even closely related. That said, they are, perhaps, the most anticipated flowers of the year for me if for no other reason than the time of year they bloom….

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And Spring Begins…

Don’t get too comfortable in your shorts and flip-flops just yet, for winter will most assuredly return for another round or two or three.  But as I was out and about our fair city today, I couldn’t help but notice that spring–just when I need it the most–has finally begun to peek slowly and cautiously…

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In The Garden

Hi everyone!  I thought I’d share a few photos from the garden.  It has been nearly two years since I moved and as some of you know, it took all of the first year just to get the beds whipped into shape, the weeds under control and gain some sense of control over what was…

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Hellebore Fever

Well, March has certainly come roaring in! For those of you who didn’t see it on the news (or experience it personally), parts of Tennessee received nearly a FOOT of snow last Saturday and Sunday. A FOOT!!! I know that to some of you that’s pretty average, but in the South, where people (cities) are…