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Gardens & Castles of Holland and Germany

August 25 - September 7

Jason Reeves and Troy Marden are teaming up once again in 2024, this time to explore the magnificent gardens, palaces, castles, and natural wonders of Holland and Germany! Beginning in Amsterdam, we will spend 3 nights in this vibrant city! Each day, we will venture into the Dutch countryside to visit gardens, palaces, and nurseries. Then we’ll make our way from Amsterdam to Germany, where we’ll visit Cologne, the Rhine River valley, Heidelberg Castle, and finally arrive on the shores of Lake Konstanz. From here, we’ll dip briefly down into Switzerland before turning back north to visit one of the world’s most famous castles, Neuschwanstein, and its sister palace, Linderhof, in the heart of the Black Forest. Finally, we’ll make our way eastward through Oberammergau to arrive at our final destination, Munich. These are just a few of the highlights and there will be much more in between!

For complete details, please email Troy Marden directly at troy@troybmarden.com